Fix bad roads in Nairobi
Pathetic road: The bad roads in Nairobi are one thing Fredrick Njoka is unhappy about having to take into the brand New Year. Says he: “The road to Komarock Estate in eastlands is in a sorry state. The Member of the County Assembly and Governor Johnson Sakaja should urgently address this. After all, we pay the fuel levy for road construction and repairs.” His contact is [email protected]
Cartels: Forest cartels are continuing with their illegal harvests countrywide, says David Githae. “If Karura Forest alone is 2,570 acres, what about the Mau, Kakamega, Aberdares and Mt Kenya forests? The Kenya Forest Service should give an account of all mature trees and how they dispose of them. I wish they could reforest with avocado or macadamia. ” [email protected].
Orphanages: Private children’s homes and orphanages should be vetted to ensure they benefit the needy, instead of enriching the owners, says Lornah Cherop. “Some take and use the children’s images and photos to solicit contributions. These children deserve better. They need food, shelter, clothes and education.” Her contact is [email protected]
Gratitude: For quickly helping to end his agony over the Huduma Centre’s long delay in issuing his son’s birth certificate, Boniface Mutua is full of gratitude to Watchie. Says he: “Let me thank the Watchman for publishing my complaint here on December 2. Two days later, I received a message to go and pick it up. I had applied for the birth certificate on July 6.” His contact is [email protected].
Reflection: This, to Taabu Tele, is the best time to get politicians to deeply reflect on and change their devious ways. Says he: “I wish our selfish politicians and other leaders happy holidays despite their costly sins of commission and omission. May they use this festive season to acquire the wisdom for progressive leadership to brighten gloomy Kenya in 2025!” Contact is [email protected].
Have a Merry Christmas, won’t you!