We shouldn’t gamble with our children’s future
CBC gamble • The education system is facing tough challenges, especially in implementing the Competency-Based Curriculum (CBC), including transition to Grade 9, notes Ruth Gituma.“Parents struggle to obtain textbooks for Grades 8 and 9. There is also a shortage of classrooms for Grade 9. Why did we rush to implement the CBC? We shouldn’t gamble with our children’s future.” Her contact is [email protected].
Duplication • The higher education sector has many regulatory and supervisory bodies that duplicate roles, causing confusion, says David Kiptum. They include Commission for University Education and the Kenya Universities and Colleges Central Placement Services. “Just have one entity as universities manage their own admissions, placement and financing.” His contact is [email protected].
Integration • The best gift the East African presidents can give their citizens is the introduction of a free one-time entry regional identity card that is equivalent to a passport, says David Githae. “It should allow them to stay, work, and develop any ventures. Their interactions will lead to more job and investment opportunities. Let’s borrow a leaf from the US Green Card.” His contact is [email protected].
No power • Visiting Kericho County, Stephen Oundo was shocked to learn that Chebiegon Dispensary, a nearby primary school and nearby villages in Soliat ward, Soin-Sigowet Constituency have not had electricity for five years due to a faulty transformer. “The majestic concrete poles and transmission cables crisscrossing villages are a painful daily reminder of this.” His contact is [email protected].
Mess • As the new school term gets underway, Job Otieno is appealing to the Education ministry and Nairobi City County to go to the aid of Mbagathi Road Primary School, near Kenyatta Market, whose gate has been blocked by a burst sewer, garbage and broken-down vehicles at a jua kali garage. “Please clear the mess for the children to learn in a secure environment.” His contact is [email protected]. Have a neat day, won’t you!