Not today: Nairobi traders join forces to secure premises during protests

Various shop owners along Ronald Ngala Street on July 2, 2024 stand guard outside to secure their businesses premises

Various shop owners along Ronald Ngala Street on July 2, 2024 stand guard outside to secure their businesses premises during the 'Occupy Everywhere' protests.

Photo credit: Francis Nderitu | Nation Media Group

The proverb "once bitten, twice shy" describes the situation of traders in parts of Nairobi whose shops have been attacked and robbed during the second wave of protests against the controversial Finance Bill 2024.

As the demonstrations enter a second phase, with protesters demanding the resignation of President William Ruto - a different agenda from the first protests - businessmen in the city have come up with a mechanism to ensure their shops are not looted.

While police were heavily engaged with protesters on the upper side of Tom Mboya, the situation was different on Luthuli Avenue, Ronald Ngala Street, Mfangamano Street and Hakati Road.

Security guards secure the entrance of a church along Latema road in Nairobi against protesters on July 2, 2024.

Security guards secure the entrance of a church along Latema road in Nairobi against protesters on July 2, 2024.

Photo credit: Billy Ogada | Nation Media Group

Here, shopkeepers banded together to protect their businesses from looters who they say were disguised as protesters.

They said they had agreed a few days earlier to protect their businesses after witnessing shops being looted and vandalised in past protests.

"We are not against demonstrations, but we are against the looting that has taken place in the course of the demonstrations, there is a building here that has been burnt down. So we came out armed against the looters," said Mr Hezbon Aruba.

Acknowledging that the demonstrators are exercising their constitutional right to demonstrate, they have urged them to do so with decorum and to avoid looting people who are also struggling to earn money to feed their families.

"As much as the Finance Bill has been withdrawn, we need something that works for everyone. Corruption must stop. Corruption is the only problem we have in Kenya. The president has to deal with corruption first," said Mr Aruba.

Armed themselves with clubs

Even female traders were not left out as they armed themselves with clubs to deal with intruders.

Grace Njambi said it was better to close her shop for the day and be safe than to be looted and forced to start from scratch.

"Today we are out to protect what we have worked for. Last time my shop was vandalised and goods were stolen. They stole the money we had collected from the previous day's sales. It will take time to recover what we have lost," said Ms Nambi.

For Stella Njeri, her business was affected by last week's demonstrations after police were overwhelmed by protesters, leaving her exposed.

"We are ready to deal with robbers here because genuine protesters are in the CBD and those found here are thieves. It is very unfortunate that there are those who take advantage of the protests to steal our businesses. We hope that this situation will come to an end so that we can open our shops," added Ms Njeri.

Some of the anti-riot police in Ronald Ngala admitted that they had been modest since the morning hours and that the situation was calm.

"These are the businessmen protecting their businesses," said one of the officers.

Recently, President William Ruto said that Sh2 billion worth of property and goods had been lost since the demonstrations began.

Most shops remained closed for most of the day for fear of losing their goods.