Let’s talk about charlatans posing as ‘men of God’…
After “Mheshimiwa”, the most abused title in Kenya is man of God. It’s like some believers switch off their reasoning when they hear the moniker, ‘man of God’. Come to think of it, we’re all men and women of God.
You have probably seen exorcisms and deliverances being carried out in curch services-if we can call them that--on television by men of God.
I watch these public displays of supposed God’s power with a mixture of sadness and pain.
We are living in an age where people want to see the demonstration of supernatural power, even if they do not know the source of that power.
After the deliverance, the once possessed people begin making shocking confessions that could easily attract maximum court sentences. Some confess to killing tens of people in cold blood.
Others confess to causing road accidents which have claimed human lives. Maybe the good folks at the Directorate of Criminal Investigations look at these tapes and know the man of God and the person being delivered are merely pulling stunts, to draw in more followers and funds.
A medical doctor is not allowed to share any of their patient’s details with anybody, without the written permission of the patient, or – correct me if I am wrong – if court of law subpoenas the doctor or patient to share the information, during litigation.
This rule applies in all careers. There is a broadcasting code of ethics that protects persons from having their images or names from being broadcasted without their written consent.
It’s only men of God who get the pass to air other people’s laundry, without any repercussions. Where’s Dr Ezekiel Mutua when you need him?
Public spectacle
I feel for these poor souls. I wonder how they go on with their lives and businesses after all the gory and gruesome details they have shared with the world.
If a medical professional did what these supposed men of God do, his license would be revoked and he would be slapped with a lawsuit.
A true man of God doesn’t shame suffering human beings. I have seen some men of God laughing at the travails of the people who are rolling on the ground in their churches.
They can take a leaf from Christ’s book. When he went to “deliver” the Samaritan woman, he sent all his disciples to buy lunch.
Besides, he chose to go to the well when it was deserted to have a one-on-one with this soul. Plus, when his disciples came, he didn’t tell them the woman’s business.
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A true man of God is sensitive, just like Christ. We can see it in the way he was sensitive with the woman who was accused of adultery.
He did not turn her case into a public spectacle, as the crowd intended, but used their word against them; and they left in a huff. He waited till the last person left before he put the woman in the right.
A true man of God doesn’t use suffering believers to show his power. You can see this in how these deliverance charlatans posture and beat their cheats. Some even have MCs, who holler to keep the freak show going. Come on, good people, if you can’t see beyond these shenanigans, you need to see an optometrist. Make that two.
Suffering believers
A true man of God doesn’t use suffering believers to up his ratings. You don’t need a media pro to tell you these folks are after eyeballs. And the more eyeballs they get, the fatter their bank accounts.
A true man of God suffers with the person who is suffering. He washes the feet of the people who have come to him for help, not step on them or manhandle them.
A true man of God is caring, just like the Master. I wonder if these men of God know the damage they cause to families and marriages when they allow gullible believers to broadcast their families’ deepest secrets. Do they make follow-ups to ascertain that they are healing? I doubt. Highly.