My struggle with acne birthed my natural beauty products business
What you need to know:
Mariam Saida is the founder and managing director of Maria Naturals Kenya, a business that specialises in natural band organic products for hair and skin care
There was a time I really struggled with acne. It was all over my face and the struggle and helplessness really lowered my self-esteem. I tried out so many products but they were not sorting out the issue. Through social media, I learned that natural products could help. I reached out to one firm that provided me with natural products that sorted my acne. As my face recovered, I constantly wondered how many more women were walking in my shoes, with their heads bowed down by the shame of acne. I started to develop an interest in organic products for skin and later hair. I started to learn and liaised with persons and firms that specialised in these products to get knowledge on how the market operated.
I started my organic venture in December 2021. This wasn’t easy to do. I never knew building a brand was such a tough task. It took me a whole year to start seeing the results. With persistence and consistency, I can say I’m better off now. The lack of adequate cash flow was a big problem. Having struggled with acne for a long time, and now being in a beauty care business, it is always satisfying to see positive results on the face of a client who has been struggling with acne. Getting referrals has been proof that I am doing my business right.
I once made the mistake of joining too many Chamas. I thought it was a strategic money move. I was in like 10 Chamas and I’m telling you I was saving nothing! Every time I got the cash, I would immediately start paying it back. It was just like taking loans, only without interest and grace periods.
If I could start my business all over again, I would start small and grow from that. Rookie entrepreneurs want to start big; to announce that they have arrived. But this easily leads to debt. Being in business has taught me that it is critical to only handle what you’re capable of. Just like they say about buying a fuel-guzzling vehicle, if you can’t buy it twice, you probably can’t afford it.
When I started saving money, I used banks and Chamas. However, I realised that my money wasn’t appreciating. I scouted for better options and discovered that Saccos presented better alternatives. I made the switch. I am able to access loans at three times my savings and at lower interest rates.
If business is what you’re good at, then make the jump. But if employment is where you excel the most, then don’t make the switch. You will ruin your career and your finances in the process. We can’t all be entrepreneurs. You can be a good business manager and an extremely poor business owner.
Over the time I have been in business, I have come to learn the essence of appreciating small beginnings. I did not start my venture with heavy capital. But with patience and consistency, I have been able to make something out of it. Don’t look down on yourself when you’re starting out. Most people in the small and medium enterprise category start in the same low bandwidth. If you find what is working for you, stick by it. Also, embrace organic products as part of your lifestyle.