Kenya set to get 4 million Covid-19 vaccine doses
Kenya is projected to receive over four million doses of a Covid-19 vaccine. GAVI-Covax announced the expected delivery of the AstraZeneca vaccine through an official interim distribution forecast released on Wednesday.
This first batch of 4,176,000 doses is to be supplied by Serum Institute of India, the world’s largest vaccine maker.
In an interview with the Nation on Tuesday, Dr Willis Akhwale, the chairman of the Covid-19 advisory task force on vaccine deployment, said he was now sure of Covax delivering the drug
“Covax assured us that they will deliver by end of February. Initially, they had not been committing but now they have,” Dr Akhwale said.
This comes as a huge relief for the Ministry of Health that had feared that Kenya might take longer to secure a Covid-19 vaccine due to a European Union blockade.