Nairobi County Senator Edwin Sifuna during an interview in his office.
Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) Secretary General Edwin Sifuna has ruled out any alliance between Raila Odinga’s party and President William Ruto’s UDA ahead of the 2027 elections.
In an exclusive interview with Nation.Africa, Mr Sifuna explained that ODM would only enter into an alliance with “like-minded” parties whose ideology bears similarity with ODM’s “pro-people policies.”
“The nature of our politics sometimes requires that we enter into strategic arrangements with like-minded political parties. Key phrase being like-minded. The political parties whose ideology bears similarity with ODM’s pro people policies are known. Those should be the ones we seek to work with, not those that oppress the people,” Mr Sifuna charged.
The ODM spokesperson also addressed a wide range of issues including why their party members who joined President Ruto’s broad based cabinet do not speak for the party.
They are Hassan Joho, Wycliffe Oparanya, John Mbadi, Opiyo Wandayi, and Beatrice Askul.
“Those from our ranks who joined government are free to speak about how they will cast their individual ballots in 2027 but they do not speak for the Party. Baba (Mr Odinga) has said clearly, we must prepare the Party for 2027, a position that has been ratified by our Central Committee,” said Mr Sifuna.
Mr Sifuna, who is also the Nairobi Senator, spoke to concerns by a section of party members who have threatened to hound him out of office over his hard stance against the broad-based government.
“…I hold the position of SG (Secretary General) at the pleasure of the party membership, it is not going to be mine forever,” he said.
He underscored the need for the ODM party to once again field a presidential candidate in the 2027 election.
“We will not give up this fight to build a more just, fair and democratic state no matter how many times we try and fail,” added Mr Sifuna.
These are the excerpts from his interview;
What is the state of the nation?
In my view, the state of the nation is the state of the people. From my interactions, things are not okay with the Kenyan People. There is fear and despondency across our land. The Kenya Kwanza Government has succeeded in breaking everything. They broke our education system; the rollout of the Competency Based Curriculum programme; University funding model; school capitation, etc. They broke the health Sector with the rollout of Social Health Insurance Fund (SHIF) in shambles. They broke the Kenyan Worker with excessive taxation. Most of the employed Kenyans now work exclusively for Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA). So, the state of the nation is dire!
What's your vision and mission for ODM?
The ODM Party vision is to establish a prosperous and modern nation in which all citizens enjoy social economic and democratic rights and most importantly live in dignity. Kenyans have been robbed of this dignity due to the cruel policies of the current regime. I buy fully into the Party Vision and as the Party spokesperson will continue to be at the forefront of championing this vision. Our mission is to build a social democratic state and society, and my mission is to ensure the Party captures power democratically in order for us to achieve this.
Is ODM in the opposition or in the government?
As a leadership, we have been clear that ODM remains an Opposition Political Party distinct from and in competition with all others to win power and govern democratically.
Is UDA an option for ODM in 2027, considering your key party officials are now in Cabinet?
The nature of our politics sometimes requires that we enter into strategic arrangements with like-minded political parties. Key phrase being like-minded. The political parties whose ideology bears similarity with ODM’s pro-people policies are known. Those should be the ones we seek to work with, not those that oppress the people.
Where does this new partnership leave Azimio la Umoja One Kenya and your 2022 partners ahead of the 2027 election?
There is no new partnership with anybody. ODM is still a member of the opposition Azimio Coalition.
There is growing ambiguity about ODM's status as a party, especially since some of your former senior officials joined the government. These officials have consistently maintained that they are part of the government and would support the President's re-election plan. What is your take on this?
There is no ambiguity anywhere. What I see is a deliberate decision by some to refuse the truth no matter how many times we repeat it. This question has been asked and answered a million times, but it appears there is only one answer some of you will accept. Those from our ranks who joined the government are free to speak about how they will cast their individual ballots in 2027 but they do not speak for the Party. Baba (Raila) has said clearly, we must prepare the Party for 2027, a position that has been ratified by our Central Committee.
Do you think your comments recently on the state of the nation risk creating bad blood between you and your members?
The call to our members to desist from beating our competitors’ drums came from the Party Leadership after a meeting of the Central Committee not Sifuna as an individual. As SG I also have a responsibility to follow through on resolutions made by organs of the party and that’s why I spoke about it in Siaya.
The business of protecting ODM lies heavy on me as SG and of course, I will rub some the wrong way with my methods. But I honestly believe that a vast majority of ODM members and the Kenyan public in general want these things to be said. It’s my job and I’ll keep doing it.
Nairobi ODM chairman George Aladwa has even threatened that you risk being replaced for taking a hard stance against the “broad-based government”, what's your take on this?
They say if you do not stand by your values when they are being tested they are just hobbies and not values. I hold the position of SG at the pleasure of the party membership, it is not going to be mine forever. It has been the honour of my life to serve as SG of ODM.
Last year I became the longest-serving SG in the history of the party. In February I begin my 8th Year. Every single day of the last seven years I have heard similar things from similar characters. Yet I’m still here.
But even Azimio, led by Wiper’s Kalonzo Musyoka, accuses ODM of abandoning its duties in the opposition.
It would be interesting to hear from our critics what exactly we used to do or say that we have stopped. ODM has remained a foremost force for good calling out government excesses and fighting for the rights of the People.
In the last three elections (2013, 2017 and 2022), ODM has consistently produced the presidential flag bearer under coalitions. What does that say about such political partnerships?
Given our mission to rescue this country from mismanagement and injustice there can be no room for fatigue. It is said the price of democracy is eternal vigilance. We will not give up this fight to build a more just fair and democratic state no matter how many times we try and fail. The parties who have supported us in the past acknowledged that our candidate was best placed to deliver for the coalition. This is an objective truth. I therefore do not see how you get fatigued with the best choice.
Is ODM willing to step aside for another party's candidate in 2027?
We are celebrating our twenty years of existence as a party this year. In that time, we have had a presidential candidate at all elections since. I don’t see why 2027 should be any different. Political Parties exist to compete for Political Power at elections and that should be our focus for 2027.
Your party leader Raila Odinga is eyeing the chairmanship of the African Union Commission. Is it a good move?
I think it is a brilliant move to offer to lend his vast experience to the continent. Africa is the better because of his candidature. I have no doubt in my mind that he is the best for the position and wish him all the best in his quest.
What's his political future in Kenya if he wins the AUC chairmanship election?
He has said it himself that Addis is a short two-hour hop from Nairobi. The passion I know he has for his people, the country and our collective future almost guarantees that he will keep a keen eye on happenings back home for the duration of his stay in Addis.
There are concerns about increased cases of abductions targeting government critics. What are your views on this?
The wave of abductions and the increasing intolerance of the regime to criticism is a pointer that our country is slowly slipping back to the dark old days. It is incumbent on all Kenyans to resist this slide into autocracy and fight for our democracy. As the case with CS Muturi’s son has demonstrated, no one is safe. If we do not speak out, any one of us could be next.
If he (Mr Odinga) loses, will he make a sixth attempt at the presidency?
That you will have to ask him.
President Ruto has endorsed his AUC bid, is this in exchange for his re-election support in 2027?
That again is something you have to ask Raila himself.
The AUC Chairperson is elected by the Assembly for a four-year term, renewable once. If Raila wins, he will be AUC chairperson in 2027. Is there any possibility of him resigning from the regional post midway to contest the country's top seat?
Again, good question to the wrong person. Ask Raila.
What's your parting shot?
I want to assure Kenyans that those of us who believe in the values of our constitution will continue to defend them. I will remain true to my oath both as an advocate and an elected representative of the people to bear true allegiance to the constitution and the people of Kenya. So help me God.