Content creator Prudence Tonui aka King Kalala, 26, shot to fame thanks to her unique husky voice and unfiltered nature.
I used to think depression was not real but when it hit me, I stopped going to work. Instead, I used to sit in the house and cry, the bed was my resting place. Even taking a shower felt painful.
I actually would love to get married but I am not in a rush, perhaps in my late 30s around 37, 38. I base this on a meme that I saw that stated ‘Your 30s are like your 20s but with money.’
My 20s have been lit, and I have had fun the only issue is that I have been broke. I have to experience my 30s and that means I wouldn’t want to rush into marriage just yet.
This (meme) concept only works if you are not married and do not have children because you don’t have many bills to deal with. I want to enjoy life first.
“Everybody knows how we get children. You're not going to tell me you went to some guys and then drank juice, and then somehow you got a child.” Don't call me asking for financial assistance if that’s not how you got your child.
I'm not those people, I believe that if you want to have children, ensure that you're mentally, financially, emotionally and physically ready, don't just show up.
Because of my voice, many have misjudged my sexual orientation. I identify as straight but do have a unique approach to relationships.
I am a rare kind of woman who would approach a man if I met a good one. This is the thing when you go to a club and meet this person who looks so good. I am a straightforward person. I will approach him and shoot my shot.
One of my weirdest relationships, I would describe it as a Kaleidoscope. I once dated a guy who, by all aspects, looked masculine by his mannerisms— how he dressed, talked, behaved, and moved, but at the end of it all, he was gay. It took me a long time to figure him out… it was confusing.
At the time my best friend was gay, he tried telling me my boyfriend was gay but I would always dismiss him. He was always very protective of me; he would go to war for me. If somebody was gay, then it was definitely not him. How wrong I was?
Another one that took me off was this good-looking hunk guy I met only to find out he wasn’t circumcised. I didn’t have a problem with that but his explanation as to why he wasn’t put me off. I mean the practice is now common and proven to be good for one's health, and hygiene. He simply said he had no particular reason as to why he wasn’t cut. That was the end of our relationship.
What even put me off further was the fact that he was 27 at the time, a whole adult man. It didn’t make sense to me.